Sayuri Ichida
New York
“In my work I look for beauty in scenes that evoke a sense of nostalgia and timelessness, two elements that I believe are fundamental to all of my photography.
In early 2016, I went on a day trip to a town in Upstate New York. While walking I saw a big house that reminded me of a doll house I used to play with when I was a small child in Japan. Much like when I was a child, I imagined the lives of people passing through this house, but now as an adult, I also imagined all of the past and future lives that would play out in it through time. I experienced a strong sense of deja vu that seemed to stretch from my own present moment towards both my past and my future.”
Sayuri Ichida was born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1985, and lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. She studied photography at Tokyo Visual Arts College and continued her growth as a photography artist while working as a studio assistant at Iino Media Pro in Tokyo, Japan. In 2009 she moved to London to pursue an indepedent career as a fashion photographer. In 2012 she moved to New York where she has been transitioning her style from fashion photography into contemporary photography.